
November 26 this year points the 125th birth commemoration of Dr. BR Ambedkar who is alluded to as the Father of the Indian Constitution. This day was seen by the Political Science Department, NEHU as Constitution Day. There was a reflection on the Constitution vis-a-vis ladies’ strengthening. The Indian Constitution ensures ladies a few rights that are cherished in the Preamble, in the rundown of Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties and Directive Principles. The Constitution awards fairness to ladies, yet in addition, it enables the State to embrace proportions of positive separation for ladies to kill the aggregate financial instructive and political impediments they face. In India, our laws, improvement strategies, plans, and projects have focused on ladies’ progression in various circles. India has additionally approved different global shows and human rights instruments which are focused on making sure about equivalent rights for ladies.

The most striking one being the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) sanctioned in 1993. A portion of the connotation highlights of the Constitution which are intended to give equivalent chances to ladies are to be found in Articles 14 (ii), 15 ,15(1),15(2),15(3), 16, 39(a), 39(b), 39(c), 42, 46 (ix), 47 (x), 51(A) (e)) (xi).In any event, with regards to wrongdoings like homicide, theft, and so forth those which are coordinated explicitly against ladies, are portrayed as ‘Crimes against Women’.

These violations may fall under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) or the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC). For example, Rape is reserved under (Sec. 376 IPC), Kidnapping and Abduction ( Sec. 363-373) (iii) Homicide for Dowry, Dowry Deaths or their endeavors (Sec. 302/304-B IPC) (iv) Torture, both mental and physical (Sec. 498-An IPC) (v) Molestation (Sec. 354 IPC) (vi) Sexual Harassment (Sec. 509 IPC) and so forth., Some wrongdoings falls under the Special Laws (SLL) and albeit all laws are not sexual orientation explicit, the arrangements of law influencing ladies essentially have been evaluated intermittently and corrections completed to stay up with the rising prerequisites. A few honorable activities for ladies have been started. The National Commission for Women a legal body with a particular order to study and screen all issues identifying with the sacred and legitimate shields accommodated ladies, survey the current enactment to recommend revisions any place fundamental, was administered in 1992. Following are few facts:

(i) The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Acts passed in 1992 reserves one-third of the total seats for women in all elected offices in local bodies whether in rural areas or urban areas.

(ii) The National Plan of Action for the Girl Child (1991-2000) ensures endurance, security, and improvement of the young lady youngster with a definitive target of working up a superior future for her.

(iii) The National Policy for the Empowerment of Women, 2001 coordinates the Department of Women and Child Development in the Ministry of Human Resource Development to achieve the progression, advancement, and strengthening of ladies.

Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai broadly cited “I raise my voice—not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard…we can’t succeed when half of us are kept down.”, and that slant plots the premise of new-age ladies strengthening. Victimization ladies are widespread everywhere throughout the world even in this 21st century. Man centric social orders in many nations are adroit at misuse just as exploitation of ladies. Despite the fact that about half of the total populace comprises ladies, yet shockingly the vast majority of them are denied fundamental rights instruction, the right to speak freely of discourse, casting a ballot power, and even autonomous personality.

Wrongdoings coordinated explicitly against ladies are accounted for from everywhere throughout the world. There remain inquiries regarding the acknowledgment of ladies strengthening in the most progressive of nations while creating countries and countries under political coercion are a long way from accomplishing the ideal status. In the case of Air India v. Nargesh Meerza[1], Nargesh Meerza filed a writ petition, In this case, the air-hostesses of the Air-India International Corporation had approached the Supreme Court against, again, discriminatory service conditions in the Regulations of Air-India. The Regulations provide that an air-hostess could not get married before completing four years of service.

Usually, an air-hostess was recruited at the age of 19 years and the four-year bar against marriage meant that an air-hostess could not get married until she reached the age of 23 years. If she married earlier, she had to resign and if after 23 years she got married, she could continue as a married woman but had to resign on becoming pregnant. If an air hostess survived both these filters, she continued to serve until she reached the age of 35 years. It was alleged on behalf of the air-hostesses that those provisions were discriminatory on the ground of sex, as similar provisions did not apply to male employees doing similar work. The Supreme Court upheld the first requirement that an air-hostess should not marry before the completion of four years of service. The court held that: “It was a sound and salutary provision. Apart from improving the health of the employee it helps a great deal in the promotion and boosting up of our family planning program.”

To conclude, I would state that while the Constitution ensures ladies their privileges and these rights are obvious, they are not consequently actualized. The much-touted free legitimate guide isn’t effectively open. And keeping in mind that there is no lack of edified laws to empower ladies to rise above their abusive statuses it is likewise obvious that Khap Panchayats, Salisha Sabhas, and other overbearing medieval establishments are popping up in this nation. Indeed, even government officials offer to criticize expressions against ladies to take care of a backward male outlook – a peculiar political economy in India. Something else, in what capacity can the Chairperson of the Maharashtra State Commission for Women, state freely that ladies are assaulted in light of how they dress. Enormous areas of ladies in this nation are sustained in male-controlled society and they feed into the male predispositions along these lines search for endorsement from men in the entirety of their activities.

[1] 1981 AIR 1829, 1982 SCR (1) 438


Divya Chaturvedi · 09/06/2020 at 8:58 PM

Nice article.there are various laws in the constitution regarding the empowerment of females but a very few are actually aware of those laws , rights etc.the pity is ,if women try to raise their voice against any kind of exploitation whether in home or offices,there are tried to be suppressed.there are supposed to keep mum.

It is said “charity begins at home”. So just try to make your thoughts,your perception better for the women at home, and surroundings.just improve your mindset it will improve society ……

Kishore Kumar · 09/06/2020 at 9:27 PM


Aditya Singh Parihar · 12/06/2020 at 6:59 AM

Wonderful article men.. Keep going.. ❤

Darpan chaturvedi · 12/06/2020 at 11:57 AM


Binny · 30/07/2020 at 8:34 PM

Very informative. Keep it up👍

Sumit Kumar · 19/12/2021 at 9:39 PM

Good and Precious thought about women empowerment.

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